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5 Tips for Staying Fit

Maintain Your Fitness at Our Corpus Christi Gyms

This has been one challenge of a year, right?

There’s been a lot of stress these last many months, and it’s important now more than ever to practice self-care and healthy habits. Fitness is essential during times of constant worry, particularly for those who have experienced the undeniable disruptions of COVID firsthand.

At Freedom Fitness gyms in Corpus Christi, we totally get the importance of exercise, especially right now. Here are 5 ways we can help boost your mind and body fitness.

  • Work it.
    It goes without saying that exercise is beneficial at any time, and staying active not only helps maintain your health and prevent weight gain, but it also reduces stress, improves mood, sharpens focus, and enhances energy. Find a workout you’ll enjoy and look forward to. With so much to choose from at our gyms, activities like cardio, circuit, and strength training, you may not know where to start! Personal training at any of our four Corpus Christ health clubs will help you find your fitness in an enjoyable and effective way.
  • Connect and Have Fun!
    Group fitness classes are a great way to build a network of friends and enjoy the support and encouragement of others who have the same goals. For excitement and entertainment, try Zumba! There’s nothing about this class and the energetic music that won’t make you smile!
  • Try a Relaxing Class
    Have you heard about the benefits of yoga? This group exercise class is a great way to practice body awareness with strengthening stretches and poses, deep cleansing breathes, and a tranquil environment that promotes relaxation and stress relief.
  • Indulge in Me Time
    There’s nothing wrong with a little pampering especially in times like these. We’ll watch your kids in our secure childcare area while you relax on a hydromassage bed or workout privately in our women’s only area. Take a deeeeeep breath and relax!
  • Try Something New
    If your workout routine seems a little stale, step out of your comfort zone and try something completely new! Pump up your workout with weights or strengthen your core with functional training. It’s good to shake things up a little now and then, to keep your gym experience fresh and new!

We’re resilient warriors, and it’s great to be back, stronger than ever. Check out our Corpus Christi gyms on Alameda Street, Saratoga Boulevard (Southside), Airline Road, and Calallen (Five Points) and let us help you turn 2021 into the healthiest year yet!



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