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Healthy Snacks for the Holidays

Healthy Lifestyle Ideas from Freedom Fitness

It’s that time of year! As the summer heat breaks and leaves change color, the holiday season is right around the corner. Now’s the time to revisit healthy snack options that taste good and allow for indulgence — with no guilt!

In addition to regular exercise, good nutritional choices are key to a healthy, energetic lifestyle. We’re firm believers in snacking, and by choosing the right in-between meal nibbles at regular intervals, you’ll actually stabilize your blood sugar and insulin levels and appease those hunger pangs.

Nibbling on healthy snacks throughout the day also keeps your body fueled and helps you avoid that late afternoon slump.

As your resource for wellness and fitness in Corpus Christi, Freedom Fitness offers these ideas for health-filled snacking during the holidays (and all year-round). Avoid pre-packaged and processed snacks, which are often filled with unwanted salt, refined sugar, and other unwanted ingredients. Pack your own fresh food and enjoy nature’s bounty with snacks like:

  • A handful of almonds or chili-spiced pistachios
  • Fresh fruit (how about a banana or apple with an almond butter schmear)
  • Non-fat Greek yogurt (make sure there’s no syrupy fruit on the bottom)
  • Non-fat cottage cheese & fresh fruit
  • Hummus & carrot or celery sticks
  • A lettuce-wrap sandwich with carrots, sprouts, turkey & dressing

Even with wholesome, natural ingredients, be mindful of serving sizes and calorie counts. Though healthier, some munchies can still pack a caloric punch, and snacks should be limited to about 150-200 calories per serving.

Another tip is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water delivers nutrients throughout the body and helps flush out toxins. The general recommendation is to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily to help your body function properly – and may even help appease that midday need to nosh.

This holiday season, make healthy your #1 priority — and we’d love to hear from you! Contact Freedom Fitness today!




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