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Struggling with a Workout Rut?

3 Tips to Help You Power Up

Routines can be great, especially when they get you moving and keep you on track. Your morning coffee and personal care habits, your evening meal prep and bedtime rituals. We all have routines and tasks that we perform regularly.

But routines can also have a downside; your routine at our Corpus Christi gyms, for example. Repeating the same workout day in and day out can become monotonous. How can you tell if you’re in a workout rut?

If you find yourself watching the clock, looking for excuses to skip the gym, or no longer regard your workout as fun or challenging – you may be in a rut.

At the end of the day, it’s important to enjoy what you’re doing, regardless of your reasons and goals. If you’re not motivated or inspired any longer, it may be time to switch things up a bit. Here are a few ideas to help you dig out of that workout rut.

Try Something New

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try different exercise options. While cardio and strength are important to fitness, that doesn’t mean you can’t add variety and find what you like best.

Bored with the treadmill? Try adding free weights. Tired of lifting? Sample circuit training, a great combo of both cardio and strength training. Working out shouldn’t be just another chore for you to check off your daily list; rather, find an activity that keeps you motivated and helps you feel accomplished. Switch it up and keep it exciting!

Find the Time That Fits Your Schedule

The time of day you work out can make a huge difference. If you think a morning workout is the best way to start your day – but you dread it first thing – maybe switch to an early evening schedule.

By the same token, if you’re too tired at the end of your workday and consider your gym time a grind, maybe early morning is better. Find what works best for your lifestyle, schedule, and energy levels.

Add Variety

If you enjoy strength training but you’ve hit a plateau, try tweaking your tempo. Shorten your rest periods or add some new moves.

Another idea is to enlist the help of a personal trainer. Gain valuable insight into how you can climb out of that rut and up your gains.

With 4 locations in Corpus Christi, we’re here to help you regain your motivation and find your fitness!



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