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3 Reasons Why You Should Exercise Daily

The Health Benefits of Working Out

What’s your reason to exercise? Weight loss? More energy? Greater strength?

Freedom Fitness has another good motivation for you. Better health!

Exercise is one of the top ways to reduce the risk of certain chronic illnesses. Heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis – even anxiety and stress can be tamed with regular workouts. We’re not talking marathon sessions at our Corpus Christi gyms, either. Just 30 minutes of activity each day can lead to improved health and wellness.


Protect Your Heart with Cardio

Almost any activity that pumps up your heart rate can be considered cardio exercise, and that includes swimming, dancing, cycling – even running your vacuum, taking the stairs, and parking in the furthest spot.

Revving your heart rate not only boosts your metabolism for greater calorie burn, but regular cardio exercise also helps control blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol levels, and strengthens your heart and lungs.

For those new to the gym, start slowly and work up to more speed and intensity as your strength grows. Walking or jogging on a treadmill, cycling, even a fun group class like Zumba are all great cardio activities.


Strengthen Muscles and Bones

It goes without saying that exercise strengthens and tones muscles, but did you realize that exercise also strengthens bones? Osteoporosis is a chronic condition that most often affects older adults, but it’s never too early to build strong muscles and bones to prevent falls and fractures in the future.

If you have osteoporosis, check with your doctor to ensure that you can safely exercise without risk of injury. There are many low- and moderate- impact ways to work out for muscle and bone strength, including walking, dancing, functional training, and free weights.


Improve Mind/Body Wellness

As you exercise and increase blood and oxygen circulation, your body also releases endorphins. You may have heard of them as the “feel good” hormones, and they do just that — help you feel more positive.

Exercising not only stretches muscles and releases tension, but a good workout also tames anxiety and panic. Low or high intensity, slow or fast, it doesn’t really matter! Set achievable goals, get moving, and learn what helps you cope best.

There are plenty of reasons to exercise, not the least of which is better health and wellness. Personal training is a great way to figure out your goals and the best way to reach them.

Are you ready for a lifestyle change? Visit one of our Corpus Christi gyms and get started!



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